Posts related to: Creativity
Code, Kathak, and Confusion: A Story of Learning with GenAI

Code, Kathak, and Confusion: A Story of Learning with GenAI

One of the students in my Human Creativity x AI in Education class is an accomplished Kathak dancer and last week we got into a discussion of how she could bring this personal interest into projects we were exploring in the class. How could GenAI help? So yesterday,...

AI schools, para-social relationships and more: New episodes of AIR|GPT

AI schools, para-social relationships and more: New episodes of AIR|GPT

I am a co-host of a relatively new podcast called AIR | GPT with Caroline Fell Kurban, Liz Kolb, Ruben Puentedura, and Helen Crompton. Our conversations are masterfully orchestrated by Emmy Award-winning executive producer Errol St.Clair Smith. For the uninitiated,...

Sine Language: Circling Pythagoras Through Sound and Color

Sine Language: Circling Pythagoras Through Sound and Color

This semester I am teaching a course on Human Creativity X AI in Education. (More about our first week here.) A key focus of the class is on the idea of transdisciplinary creativity – that of bringing different lenses and senses to the process of learning and...

Oops! Double Trouble with Double Dactyls OR Learning from AI’s Creative Mistakes

Oops! Double Trouble with Double Dactyls OR Learning from AI’s Creative Mistakes

As headlines swirl about AI chatbots misrepresenting Anne Frank (Schools Using AI Emulation of Anne Frank That Urges Kids Not to Blame Anyone for Holocaust) and Apple canceling its AI news summaries due to accuracy concerns (Apple pulls error-prone AI-generated news...

Corporations as Paperclip Maximizers: AI, Data, and the Future of Learning

Corporations as Paperclip Maximizers: AI, Data, and the Future of Learning

Once in a while, you come across a piece of writing that doesn’t just make you think—it makes you rethink. It rearranges the furniture in your head, putting things together in ways you hadn’t considered but now can’t unsee. Charles Stross’s essay, “Dude, You Broke the...

Mairéad Pratschke On GenAI, Creativity, Culture and the Future of Learning

Mairéad Pratschke On GenAI, Creativity, Culture and the Future of Learning

Over the years, our column series in TechTrends has explored the evolving relationship between technology, creativity, and education. Recently, we've been particularly focused on understanding how generative AI is reshaping teaching and learning through conversations...

Welcoming 2025: A Final Reflection (& Calling an End to a 16-year Tradition)

Welcoming 2025: A Final Reflection (& Calling an End to a 16-year Tradition)

Since 2008, our family has been creating short videos to celebrate the start of a new year. Each video is crafted from household items and usually includes some form of typographical optical illusion. Today, we share our sixteenth, and final video—a deceptively simple...

From Self-Driving Cars to Selfish Genes: Trapped in AI’s Metaphors, Literally

From Self-Driving Cars to Selfish Genes: Trapped in AI’s Metaphors, Literally

Tesla recently, unannounced gave me temporary access to its Full Self Driving system, and I decided to give it a whirl. It was somewhat unnerving to sit back and experience the car "do its thing." But over time you get to understand how the car is behaving, where it...

AMA with Digital Promise: An AI-opening Discussion

AMA with Digital Promise: An AI-opening Discussion

I recently had the pleasure of participating in Digital Promise's inaugural AI Education Exchange "Ask Me Anything" series, hosted by Kelly McNeil. This was my first LinkedIn AMA and was great fun, in large part due to the team that helped set it up and the broader...

Of Stochastic Parrots and Drunk Interns: My Chat with Win Coalition

Of Stochastic Parrots and Drunk Interns: My Chat with Win Coalition

I recently sat down with Ryan Gray and Robin Bryce of Yavapai College for Win Coalition's What's Next Speaker Series. Regular readers of this blog will know exactly what I must have talked about - no surprises here! We dove into AI, education, and where all this is...

Perspectives on Global Learning: SLL at the GLOW Conference:

Perspectives on Global Learning: SLL at the GLOW Conference:

I joined my Silver Lining for Learning (SLL) co-hosts - Chris Dede, Curt Bonk, and Lydia Cao (with Yong Zhao unable to attend due to travel) - to deliver a keynote at the Global Learning for an Open World Conference. SLL has been a labor of love over the past five...

To thine own mind be true: Understanding cultural technologies, from cave walls to ChatGPT

To thine own mind be true: Understanding cultural technologies, from cave walls to ChatGPT

For almost 12 years now we have been writing a column series for the journal TechTrends, exploring the intersection of technology, creativity, and learning. Recently, my colleagues and I have been diving deep into generative AI through conversations with scholars like...

New Course | Human Creativity x AI in Education: A Transdisciplinary Exploration by Design

New Course | Human Creativity x AI in Education: A Transdisciplinary Exploration by Design

DCI 691 (Spring 2025)Human Creativity x AI in Education: A Transdisciplinary Exploration by DesignInstructor Dr. Punya Mishra (punya[AT] 9 – 11:45 Tempe Short description This graduate-level course examines the dynamic interplay between human creativity...

Many Voices, One Song: Orchestrating Polyphonic Learning

Many Voices, One Song: Orchestrating Polyphonic Learning

In music, polyphony describes a texture where multiple independent melodic voices interweave to create something greater than the sum of its parts. The philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin expanded this idea to human discourse, seeing it as a way for multiple voices and...

Building Character: When AI Plays Us

Building Character: When AI Plays Us

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." These words from Martin Luther King Jr. speak to something fundamentally human – the belief that...

Chatting Alone: AI and the (Potential) Decline of Open Digital Spaces

Chatting Alone: AI and the (Potential) Decline of Open Digital Spaces

Note: The image above is inspired by the cover of Time Magazine's 1983 Person of the Year issue - at the dawn of the personal computer age. Created using Adobe Photoshop and composed in Keynote Angela Gunder reached out to me recently about a project that she is...