Search Results for "ambigram"
Episteme6 @ Mumbai: 2 presentations

Episteme6 @ Mumbai: 2 presentations

This past December I was at the epiSTEME 6 conference in Mumbai. It was jointly  organized by the Homi Bhaba Center for Science Education, TIFR and the Interdisciplinary Program in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay. I presented two papers there, oneabout...

Blast from the past: Theories and memory

Ambigram for the word "Theory" by Punya Mishra My first real research study was one that I conducted back when I was a graduate student under the mentorship of Bill Brewer. It was designed as a classic educational psychology memory study and though I have done little...

Thank you, Chile!

Rotate I spent the past seven days in Chile, six days in Santiago and one in Valpariso. It was absolutely wonderful. My trip was sponsored by the Faculty of Education at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC is one of the nation's premier universities), as...

Creativity & Learning

Creativity, any which way you look at it. Ambigram for "creativity" - symmetric on rotation by 180-degrees. Creativity has always been a key interest of mine. It is reflected not just in my creative work but also in my scholarship and teaching. Below...

Algebra, version 2

I had posted yesterday a new ambigram for the word "algebra." It was a mirror-reflection design i.e. it reads the same when reflected in a mirror. What I liked about the design was the fact that it actually looks like an algebraic equation with a left-hand-side and a...

Mathematics & Visual Wordplay

Ambigrams are a form of visual wordplay in which words are written/designed such that they can be read in more than one way. I have been creating ambigrams and other such oddities for a while and I feel extremely lucky that what started as a personal interest and...

October 2: Remembering Gandhi

I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any—Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (10/2/1869 - 1/30/1948)...

Dabbling to see: A rant

My friend and colleague Leigh Wolf forwarded me this article on Edward Tufte: The Many Faces (And Sculptures) Of Edward Tufte. I have been a fan of information design guru Edward Tufte's work for years (decades?). I love his emphasis on clarity and simplicity in...

Poetry, Science & Math, OR why I love the web

A 5th grade science assignment, transformed. A rant about Mother Goose. A math poetry challenge!  How did that come to be? And what does that have to do with loving the Interwebs? Read on... I had written earlier about how my 10 year-old daughter had been writing...