Happy Diwali

by | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Diwali!


Reflect on it 🙂

Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | India | Personal | Religion | Representation

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Technologies “R us: A great essay by Adam Gopnik

This morning I was at the doctor's office and picked up a dated (February, 2011) New Yorker magazine and discovered a great essay by Adam Gopnik: The Information: How the Internet gets inside us. I am not sure how I missed this the first time around but Gopnik does a...

stealth assessment

Just heard this of stealth assessment idea (from Michael Spector at NTLS) that struck a chord. More here, [word document].

Design & the Creation of artifacts

I just discovered through the PhD-Design list an online book titled "Design: Creation of artifacts in society" by Karl T. Ulrich. Ulrich is a professor at Wharton School. The book is entirely available online and is licensed under the Creative Commons license. I have...

Teacher knowledge for 21st century learning: New article

Click on diagram to download a hi-res version This article has been a while coming... but our paper on an analysis of 21st century learning frameworks and implications for teacher knowledge is finally in print. A previous version of the paper can be found here. Here...

Miami / Globe Video Update

Miami / Globe Video Update

I had posted earlier about the work our design initiatives team is involved with at Miami Junior-Senior High School. Essentially the entire faculty and leadership at the school have taken on the challenge of re-imagining the 7/8 curriculum through an integrated...

Martin Gardner, RIP

Martin Gardner, 1914 - 2010 Martin Gardner died five days ago. Gardner was an influential writer about mathematics and was one of the greatest influences on me (and my friends) as I was growing up. His recreational mathematics column was the main reason I subscribed...

9 essential books for grad school (and beyond)

I am am member of the PhD-Design listserv, "a list for discussion of PhD studies and related research in Design." I am not very active on the list but have found it an invaluable resource that helps me think. The dialogue is often of pretty high quality and I have...

What is this thing called text?

Steven Johnson has a great essay on the future of text title: The Glass Box And The Commonplace Book. I recommend reading the full thing but here is a quote that sort of captures his vision (though there is more, much more). Here is a great quote: WHEN TEXT IS free to...

Art, design & teaching great quote

Steve Wagenseller, a student in my 817 Learning Technology by Design seminar wrote something so cool in the class forum that I felt that it was worth recording on my blog... ...One of the differences between art versus design is that a user has to approach the art,...


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