Deep-Play: Creativity in Math & Art through Visual Wordplay

by | Sunday, March 01, 2015

I have been creating ambigrams for years now… and I feel extremely lucky that what started as a personal interest and passion has led to some wonderful experiences and learning. These include a series of articles on the mathematics behind these visual designs and now an exhibition at the MSU Museum.

Since December the Creativity-Art-Science Gallery at the MSU Museum has hosted an exhibition of my work – and it has been wonderful. We had an informal gallery-walk a couple of week-ends ago and more than a 100 friends and colleagues showed up at the event. Which was truly gratifying.
I was also given an opportunity to present my work at EduPalooza 2015, a creative arts event at the College of Education a week or so ago. Jon Good recorded my talk and I took a bit of time over the past week to create a video of my comments synched to my slides. You can see this video below.  I think it is a good introduction to ambigrams, mathematics and also includes some interesting stories about my experiences with creating and sharing these with the world at large.

Here are some links if you want to learn more about my work in this area.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

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  1. Paradoxes, illusions & visual wordplay – Punya Mishra's Web - […] merge two incompatible shapes. Incidentally the first design below was created a few years ago for my exhibition at the…

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