Posts related to: Good | Bad Design

The KISS principle & weather

Keep It Simple Stupid is one of those adages you hear lots of times, but here is a website that has truly taken it to heart. See how an online weather related website can be taken to its logical, simplest extreme. Check out Umbrella Today?

Photoshopping in the cloud

Cloud computing maybe the next big thing. Google Apps and Chrome, gmail and flickr, YouTube and Yahoo Groups, I am moving more and more of what I do online. Even this blog in some way is an example of how I archive my work on the net. And today I discovered Pixlr....

Twittering a tale

My favorite short short story is by Hemmingway. It is all of six words long - but boy, does it pack a punch. It goes, "For sale, baby shoes, never used." Wow! It turns out that such short stories are not merely a novelty. The advent of Twitter and microblogging, with...

Tweaking the design

Someone once said that all design is redesign - and it has never been truer than trying to design your website. A few weeks ago I found out that my site looked terrible on the iTouch and the iPhone. I made a quick fix (adding a template and plugin) that would allow...

By the Numbers

I just discovered a blog by Charles Blow, visual Op-Ed columnist for the NYTimes. Titled By the Numbers it is a site for "discussion about all things statistical — from the environment to entertainment — and their visual expressions." Pretty cool. Check it out.