A fun and thought provoking, recursive music video by Allee Willis titled “Editing is Cool.” The video attempts to capture the process of creating this very video, from the lyrics, to the music to the special effects and so on. Denise Caruso (at Salon) quotes Allee Willis as saying, “… you can see every single stage of the song and video coming together, along with work logs and lyrics and lots more.”
Here is one of my favorite lines:
Reality is a perception
You must edit it to suit
your own needs
Check out the video:
To learn more about Allee Willis you can go here (wikipedia) or her webpage (here)
Dear Allee, thank you so much for your note. You can’t imagine how happy it makes me to hear from you. Do you plan on being in Michigan sometime in the next few months? If so, I would love to have you visit my design seminar… It would be so wonderful for my students to see just how creatively you are using these media tools to express yourself. All the best in your future efforts. I look forward to hearing from you. ~ punya
Thank you so much, Punya! This video means so much to me and I’m so happy it affected you the way it did. I’m all about total integration of life and art and I finally had the chance to wrap it all up in this video. I will be doing more of the same so stay tuned. But I really do believe the key to a happy life is “editing”.
Btw, I’m a Michigan girl. Grew up in Detroit. Almost went to Michigan State but ended up at the University of Wisconsin. I spent many a day in Lansing though as my suster went there.
Once again, thanks for having such great taste!