I have been playing with an iTouch for the past few days and have have been quite impressed. What bothered me somewhat though was that my website (something I have spent hours designing) didn’t morph itself as gracefully as I would have liked into this new interface. But for every technological problem, there exists a technological solution (and vice versa)…
A quick bout with Google led me to iWphone a WordPress plugin and theme that “automatically reformats your blog’s content for optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch. It detects the iPhone/iPod touch’s User Agent and serves up the content with the special theme only to iPhone and iPod touch visitors, all other browsers will view your WordPress blog with your current theme.” Is that cool or what?
Now as I was doing this I didn’t have my iTouch handy so I couldn’t test it. I didn’t know just how well this was working or if it was even working at all. That is when I discovered iPhoney: “a pixel-accurate web browsing environment—powered by Safari—that you can use when developing web sites for iPhone.” In others words a “virtual iPhone.”
So a quick download later, I was seeing what this site looks like on an iPhone… and I must say it looks much better. So now my website is iPhone (and iTouch) compatible! Not bad for 3 minutes of Google searching and 5 minutes of uploading and testing! I am so impressed by WordPress…
Now if I could get some people to read this blog, all this effort would be worth it 🙂
Thanks for sharing such a useful information. Helpful for a blogger like me. Will use the same plugin for my website and see if it helps. Thanks!
I think upto now Iphone made many usefull ways working with wordpress. fortunatelly. Thanks for sharing your idea.
Great find. I know playing with my iTouch, it really helps if a site has an iphone enabled version. Now I just need more time to play with it plus get ready for classes in two weeks!
I don’t know about you, but sure wish my iTouch was an iPhone so I didn’t have to carry both, but suppose can’t complain about free gifts to students from Apple–a nice way to lure us in I suppose 😀