Ask-ing Cuil questions of Google

by | Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How do we evaluate a search engine? Chris Wilson attempts to answer this question (with help from the crowd) in his article on Slate “How To Talk to a Search Engine: Three queries to help decide if Google or Cuil or Ask is right for you?”

The three search items he suggested are, George W. Bush (with the W and the period), viagra and your own name. Read the reasons he points out…

Incidentally, I had evaluated Cuil (the day it was released) and was less than impressed, something that Wilson’s respondents also point out (read about that here). Also, Mike DeSchryver has been conducting some research on how search engines can potentially help teachers become more creative (find out more here and here).

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Heading to India

I leave for India tomorrow to participate in a Symposium on Education Technology in Schools: Converging for Innovation & Creativity being held in Bangalore from the 20th to the 22nd of August. The meeting is organized by the Quest Alliance, USAID and International...

New forms of doctorate

The Institute of Education, University of London is organizing a series of seminars on New forms of doctorate i.e. the manner in which multimodality and e-learning are influencing the nature and format of doctoral theses in Education and the social sciences. This is a...

The “O” in Obama

Steven Heller continues his series on political typography and branding with an interview with the design team that developed the now iconic symbol for the Obama campaign. Check out The "O" in Obama. Previous postings on this theme can be found here and here.

AACTE Major Forum Presentation

I include below a copy of the AACTE Major Forum presentation (announcement here) that I made at New Orleans on Saturday, February 9. There were other things that I participated in (as listed here) and I will post about them later. Matt was supposed to do this talk (as...

15 years of blogging

15 years of blogging

January 1, 2008. 15 years ago, almost to the day - I posted my first note to this website (screenshot below). My first blog post, dated Jan 1, 2008 I have had a web presence since 1998 - hand coded, HTML pages, traces of which are still available on the Wayback...

Plus ça change

Leigh Wolf forwarded me a link to a video commercial with the subject line saying "this is a very intriguing commercial." Of course I took a look at it right away and it was an ad for Kaplan U (on their website) ... and according to Smita it has been receiving TV time...

Rethinking technology & creativity, now in paper form!

Rethinking technology & creativity, now in paper form!

For the past 4 years, the Deep-Play group has written a series of articles for the journal Tech Trends under the broad rubric of Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century. The first article was published in 2014 and we are still going strong....

Evaluating creative learning environments: New instrument

Evaluating creative learning environments: New instrument

Note: There is a more recent, May 2023 post (Scaling up the SCALE instrument) that offers an update on other researchers who have utilized the instrument for their own research. Creativity is a key educational goal and essential 21st century skill. That said, much of...


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