The commodification of ugly

by | Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Noah, one of the students in my design doctoral seminar sent me this video by Ze Frank.

Check it out.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Evolution | Fun | Good | Bad Design | Representation | Technology | Video

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Banksy’s biggest trick OR why I hate art museums

I have been a fan of Banksy, the subversive British street artist, for a long time. I love the visuals he comes up with, the subversive quality of his art and most importantly his ability to take art out of the galleries into the real world. His most recent trick,...

Improv here, there, everywhere…

A few months ago I wrote about Professor R. K. Joshi (here and here). He was, as I said in the piece, maybe the single greatest influence on my role as a teacher. I had mentioned that R.K. loved absurdity and play. I was reminded of this when I read about this group...

The Three Oddest Words

A poem by Wislawa Szymborska Translated by S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh When I pronounce the word Future, the first syllable already belongs to the past. When I pronounce the word Silence, I destroy it. When I pronounce the word Nothing, I make something no non-being...

Cleaning and coding Interviews with AI

Cleaning and coding Interviews with AI

I have previously written about how AI can possibly help with qualitative research AND how how AI has given me a superpower which is the ability to write computer programs. Well this post is an extension of both of these topics. To provide some context, for the past...

Perfect Vacuum (OR who wrote this poem?)

Perfect Vacuum (OR who wrote this poem?)

Note (November 16, 2024): At the bottom of this post are some variants of the original poem, as re-interpreted by ChatGPT and Claude.AI). I was cleaning out my drafts folder and came across this poem. I liked it. A lot. It has my sensibility. My sense of whimsy. But I...

Txting develops spelling skills, how gr8

Scott Graden is Superintendent of Saline Area Schools and a blogger. He recently posted about a study that indicated that texting helps students develop vocabulary skills. Though he was skeptical of the finding, I am not sure I was as surprised. He cited a news story...

Interesting TPACK related discussion

Russ Goerend over at Learning is Life has initiated a fascinating discussion on the TPACK framework on his blog. It all revolves around a blog post he titled The force is strong with the shiny one. I shall not seek to summarize the discussion here (please go read it...

What is TPACK? Updated article

There are some articles that sink without a trace. There are others like our 2006 TCRecord article introducing the TPACK framework that continues to be cited... and then there are some that keep getting published over and over (albeit in an updated manner). Here is...


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