Browsing for gender

by | Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just found out about this rather nifty tool that looks at your browser history and estimates your gender. My personal results were as follows:

Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 24%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 76%

Try it out for yourself, or read more about how your gender is estimated here…

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Interview with Curt Bonk

My friend and colleague, Curt Bonk, Professor at Indiana University (also known as Travelin' Ed Man) recently interviewed me about our new hybrid Ph.D. program. For those interested in the program (and maybe even those who are not) can read it by going to Want an...

National Sun Yat Sen University & Taipei

National Sun Yat Sen Unversity has one of the most gorgeous campuses you can imagine. Nestled between hills, with wonderful views of the ocean, with little twisty roads that connect departments and buildings, just beautiful. My hotel room had a magnificient view of...

When Truth Doesn’t Matter: AI Falls for Illusory Optical Illusions

When Truth Doesn’t Matter: AI Falls for Illusory Optical Illusions

I've been exploring ChatGPT's ability to analyze images, and the results have been impressive. From interpreting complex refugee statistics to conducting semiotic analyses of street art, the AI has shown a remarkable ability to extract meaning from visual information....

TPACK game, the Matt Koehler version

There have been various descriptions of the TPACK game... some of which I have written about earlier. The first instance is something Judi Harris, Matt and I used at the 2007 NTLS meeting at Washington DC. You can find out more about it here. Second, is a submission...

Why math ed sucks (not just in India)

My friend Hartosh Bal (author of A Certain Ambiguity, a mathematical novel) has a piece in Caravan Magazine titled "Why Fields medalists are unlikely to emerge from the Indian educational system." He mentions the fact that of the three winners of the Field's medal...

WHY: The most important question of all

Why do anything at all? This blog post is a collection of videos and images that I have collected over time that speak to the pointlessness of trying to find an answer to this question and how one question, even if answered, leads to many more. This is the kind of...

Engineering Education, past & future II

A couple of weeks ago I made a presentation (with Neeraj Buch) to a group of engineering educators from India. This was a meeting organized by the College of Engineering and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education. Having made this presentation once I had...

TPACK Newsletter (#1)

Judi Harris, Matt Koehler, Mario Kelly and I have been working on setting up a regular TPACK newsletter. The first edition of the newsletter went out to subscribers yesterday. I am including the newsletter here for archival purposes. If you are interested in signing...


  1. leigh

    Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 96%
    Likelihood of you being MALE is 4%

  2. DIrkin

    I clear Firefox’s private data every time I quit the app to cut down on data mining my browser by sites and to stop the leaching of my private information for others gain (here’s looking at you Google!). So, I happened to go straight to this site to get some info on TPACK for a project, saw this post and decided to see what would gender I’d be only having visited & of course the prediction site. It predicted:

    Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 50%
    Likelihood of you being MALE is 50%

    Does that mean your site is gender neutral?


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