Better late than never, 21st century learning

by | Thursday, April 05, 2018

Quest Alliance is an NGO based in Bangalore that seeks to equip young people with 21st century skills by enabling self-learning. I have known of Quest and its director, Aakash Sethi, for over a decade now. In fact I had blogged about Quest back in 2008 here, and here and here. Aakash got in touch with me a year or so ago to write a piece for an annual publication they were starting, titled The Learner. I took this opportunity to rewrite our analysis of 21st century learning frameworks for a broader audience. Of course the more academic versions of the article can be found here and here. The diagram of 21st century knowledge can be found here.

Mishra, P., & Mehta, R. (2017). Creating a 21st century educatorThe Learner. Quest Alliance, Bangalore India.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Have a great 2014!

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Vinit Masram (1988 – 2023)

Vinit Masram (1988 – 2023)

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Video Bingo in Alabama: Tech & change

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Cybersecurity & the Future of Education

Cybersecurity & the Future of Education

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The political psychology of images

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