Day 3: Meetings & Workshop

by | Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 2 ended with my meeting KHari (aka Chairman) and Rags (aka Chore) – two BITS batchmates, whom I hadn’t met in almost 18 / 20 years. It was great catching up with them – but what that meant was that by the time I got back to my room I was totally exhausted and didn’t get to work on my workshop…

I was up at 5 AM (a legacy of jetlag and a terrible habit that I really need to break) and worked till around 8 on my workshop. After that I had a series of meetings – the most important of which was with KVS (of Azim Premji Foundation). I am really excited about working with them and hopefully we will be able to work it out. I am hopeful. There also some research possibilities with the Quest Alliance (the organizers of the conference), and positive meetings with many other individuals and groups. In fact I have met so many people involved in such interesting projects that I am totally overloaded. I will be posting later about some of these people (with links to their projects if possible].

The workshop went well, I think. The group was a bit too large, the time a little too short – so I had to resort to more lecturing than the kinds of small group hands-on stuff I would prefer to do. But I claim that constraints lead to creativity – I have no cause to complain 🙂

The PDF version of the presentation can be found here. Once again, not much of it is going to make sense, given that my slides often have just one word or picture on them… but that’s ok.

All in all this has been an excellent conference. Off to the airport in an hour or so to go to Mumbai. I have a lunch meeting at SNTD with Dr. Kamath and Jayashree and then off to the US later in the evening.

Topics related to this post: Art | Conference | Creativity | Design | India | Learning | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

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1 Comment

  1. Neeraja Raghavan

    Dear Dr Mishra: I am writing to thank you for an energising workshop that I thoroughly enjoyed. (I am the lady whose HELLO you videotaped on your flip camera.)
    On my way back from your workshop, I started looking at shapes and shadows for any letters I could recognize hidden in them!
    I wonder how I can get to read some of your articles, like this one:
    Mishra, Punya. Girod, Mark. Designing Learning Through Learning to Design The High School Journal – Volume 90, Number 1, October-November 2006, pp. 44-51
    There are a number of exercises that I am getting ideas about now, thanks to your workshop. I am sure I will get many more if I read your work: some of it, that is! Thanks and regards, Neeraja.
    I work with the Azim Premji Foundation and am keen on reading more of your work.

    Thanks and regards, Neeraja.



  1. Better late than never, 21st century learning: New article – Punya Mishra's Web - […] Sethi, for over a decade now. In fact I had blogged about Quest back in 2008 here, and here…

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