Posts related to: Research

Technology Surveys for K12 students

Photo iPad Dream #2 by Lance Shields from Flickr I received an email from one Holly Marich, a doctoral student in our hybrid-PhD program, asking if I knew about any  technology usage surveys her school district can give their K-12 students. I didn't know of one so I...

2 diagrams: 21st century knowledge synthesized & 7 trans-disciplinary skills

As I go around presenting my work around 21st century learning I get requests for some of the visuals I show. In particular, I have been receiving requests for Synthesis of 21st Century Knowledge 7 trans-disciplinary skills for creativity in the 21st century If you...

TPACK and new literacies

Over 150 years ago Herbert Spencer wrote an essay titled What Knowledge is of Most Worth in which he bemoaned the fact that most of the discussion around what is worth knowing in his day and age was based not on any rational discussion of the issues and the benefits...

Top 10 tips for doctoral failure!

Tara Brabazon, professor of media studies at the University of Brighton, has an essay in the Times Higher Education, titled How not to write a PhD thesis, providing her top ten tips for doctoral failure. Though the essay is geared towards dissertations in media...