EPET at SITE, 2014

by | Monday, March 03, 2014

SITE2014 (the annual conference of the Society of Information Technology in Teacher Education) is being held in Jacksonville, Florida starting the 17th of March. As always, the Educational Psychology and Educational Technology program at MSU has a significant presence at the conference. This includes presentations and symposia organized by faculty, graduate students and graduates of our program. Thanks to Rohit Mehta, we now have a list of all the various events EPET people are involved in. Here it is, arranged chronologically:

Tuesday, March 18

  • 10:30-11:00 AM (Orlando): Full Paper – Connecting Contemporary Learning Theories to the Development and Design of Educational Digital Games: Pedagogical Considerations for the Adoption of Digital Game-Based Learning. Min Lun Wu and Kari Richards.
  • 1:30-2:30 PM: Panel (Grand Ballroom 1) – Designing and developing an online teaching endorsement: Perspectives from teacher preparation institutions, departments of education, and online providers. Kristen DeBruler, Michigan Virtual University; Kathryn Kennedy, Michigan Virtual University; Leanna Archambault, Arizona State University; Stein Brunvand, University of Michigan Dearborn; Leigh Wolf, Michigan State University; Leah Breen, Michigan Department of Education; Susan Lowes, Teachers College Columbia University
  • 3:25-3:45 PM (Daytona): Brief Paper on Virtual Presence in a Synchromodal Learning Environment. Sandra Sawaya and William Cain.
  • 4:00-5:00 PM (City Terrace 9): Roundtable on Innovative Digital Design Technologies that Support Student Creativity. Daniel Tillman, Shaunna Smith, Punya Mishra, and Danah Henriksen.
  • 4:00-4:20 PM (St. Johns): Best Practices in Using Facebook in Teacher Education: Lessons & Tips from the Field. Christopher Shaltry, Min Lun Wu, and Yining Zhang.
  • 4:20-4:40 PM (St. Johns): Best Practices in What We’ve Got Here is Failure to Communicate: Social Media Best Practices for Graduate School Programs. Josh Rosenberg, Colin Terry, John Bell, Virginia Hiltz, Tracy Russo, The EPET Social Media Council.
  • 5:35-5:55 PM (Clearwater): Brief Paper on The use of technology and its impact on second language learning among Chinese undergraduate students. Yining Zhang.

Wednesday, March 19

  •  10:00-10:30 AM (City Terrace 12): Full Paper on Distributed TPACK: Going Beyond Knowledge in the Head. Nicoletta Di Blas (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Paolo Paolini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Sandra Sawaya, and Punya Mishra.
  • 10:00-11:00 AM (City Terrace 10): Symposium on Fail Again, Fail Better: Contextual factors that influence creativity in technology mediated learning contexts. Punya Mishra, Danah Henriksen, Shaunna Smith (Texas State University), Michael DeSchryver (Central Michigan University), Chris Fahnoe, Colin Terry, William Cain, and Jonathan Good.
  • 11:35-11:55 AM (City Terrace 7): Best Practices in Giving assignment in the video format to pre-service teachers: lessons & implications. Yining Zhang.
  • 1:30-2:30 PM (City Terrace 9): Roundtable on Measuring TPACK… Yes! But how? A working session. Petra Fisser (National Institute for Curriculum Development, Netherlands), Lara Ervin (San Jose State University), Joke Voogt (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), and Matt Koehler.
  • 1:30-2:30 PM (City Terrance 10): Symposium on Building Multidisciplinary Connections: Intersections of Content, Creativity, and Digital Fabrication Technologies. Shaunna Smith (Texas State University), Daniel Tillman (University of Texas at El Paso), Punya Mishra, David Slykhuis (James Madison University), Curby Alexander (Texas Christian University), Danah Henriksen, Rhonda Church (Texas State University), and Adam Goodman (Texas State University).
  • 1:30-2:00 PM (City Terrace 7). Game Network Analysis: Developing and assessing teachers’ knowledge of game-based learning. Mamta Shah & Aroutis Foster, Drexel University.
  • 2:45-3:45 PM & 4:00-5:00 PM (Grand Ballroom 2): Symposium on Artifacts demonstrating teachers’ technology integration competencies. Joke Voogt (University of Amsterdam/ Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands), Petra Fisser (National Institute for Curriculum Development, Netherlands), Johan van Braak (Ghent University, Belgium), Liesbet Verplanken (Ghent University, Belgium), Heitink Maaike (University of Twente, Netherlands), Kafyulilo Ayoub (Dar es salaam University College of Education, Tanzania), Agyei Douglas (University of Cape Coast, Ghana, Ghana), Matthew Koehler, Punya Mishra, Joshua Rosenberg, Spencer Greenhalgh, Andrea Zellner, and Denise Schmidt-Crawford (Iowa State University)
  • 3:05-3:25 PM (Daytona): Best Practices in Improving Online Student Success through Comics. Kari Richards and Min Lun Wu.
  • 4:00-4:30 PM (Grand Ballroom 4): Full Paper on You are Not in Kansas Anymore: Educational Technology in Films. Rohit Mehta, Danah Henriksen, and Punya Mishra.
  • 4:00-5:00 PM Room (City Terrace 10). Panel on Research in the K-12 Online Learning Environments. Kathryn Kennedy, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute; Susan Lowes, Teachers College, Columbia University; Kristen DeBruler, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute; Joseph Freidhoff, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute; Peiyi Lin, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • 5:30-7:00 PM (City Terrace 9): Poster/Demo on Context and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Content Analysis. Josh Rosenberg and Matthew J. Koehler.

Thursday, March 20

  • 11:15-11:35 AM (Grand Ballroom 1): Best Practices in Introducing the Linked Classroom Model in a Synchromodal Learning Environment. William Cain, Sandra Sawaya, and John Bell.
  • 2:45-3:45 PM & 4:00-5:00 PM (Grand Ballroom 4): Symposium on (In)disciplined Creativity in Teacher Education. Punya Mishra, Danah Henriksen, John C. Park (Baylor University), John Lee (North Carolina State University), Joe Garofalo (University of Virginia), Carl Young (North Carolina State University), Douglas Hartman, Sara Kajder (Shady Side Academy), and William Cain.
  • 5:35-5:55 PM (Orlando): Best Practices in Supporting Diffusion: Engaging the Innovation-Decision Process for Synchromodal Class Sessions. William Cain.

Friday, March 21

  • 11:35-11:55 AM (Grand Ballroom 2): Best Practices in Zen and the Art of Portfolio Maintenance: Best Practices in Course Design for Supporting Long-lasting Portfolios. Spencer Greenhalgh, Josh Rosenberg, Andrea Zellner, and Matthew J. Koehler.
  • 1:30-2:00 PM (Grand Ballroom 2). Pre-service Teacher Education in Game-Based Learning: Analyzing and Integrating Minecraft. Mamta Shah, Aroutis Foster, Matthew Scottoline, & Matthew Duvall, Drexel University.

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  1. EPET at SITE, 2014 | Joshua M. Rosenberg - […] post originally appeared on Dr. Mishra’s blog, then on the ideaplay […]

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