NEW BOOK! Creativity, Technology & Education

by | Monday, January 29, 2018

I am thrilled to announce the publication of a new book, a Mishra-Henriksen production titled Creativity, Technology & Education: Exploring their Convergence.  This book is a collection of essays that first appeared the journal TechTrends. 

These essays provide a broad analytic frame for thinking about creativity, technology and education and describe classroom examples as well as strategies for evaluating creative artifacts and creative environments. We see this book as an important resource for educators and practitioners as they seek to incorporate creative work and thoughtful pedagogy in their personal and professional lives. In his foreword, Yong Zhao, Foundation Distinguished Professor, University of Kansas writes:

In this collection of beautifully written essays, Mishra, Henriksen, and the Deep-play Research Group challenge myths about technology and creativity, debate time-honored instructional practices, and play with new ideas for schools to care for and nurture, rather than constrain, creativity. These essays are provocative … refreshing, [and] insightful.

Complete Reference:

Mishra, P., Henriksen, D. & The Deep-Play Research Group (2018). Creativity, Technology & Education: Exploring their Convergence. SpringerBriefs in Educational Communications & Technology. Published by the Association for Educational Communications & Technology & Springer.  [Link to Amazon page]

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  1. Dan McGuire

    A book on the convergence of creativity, technology and education published without a Creative Commons license in 2018? How can that be?

    • Punya Mishra

      That’s Springer for you. Dont even ask how much they have priced it. I am not even recommending that people buy it. All of the articles that made it to the book are available for free on my website 🙂


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