Jumpstart Repurposing

by | Monday, August 23, 2010

I have often talked of repurposing as being key to creativity, particularly for teachers using new technologies. (See previous postings on this topic here and here, and here and here.) Imagine my surprise when this past Sunday’s comics-page had a comic on this very issue. The strip is called Jump Start below is the specific set of panels on repurposing.

The cartoon is given above.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Flipping the Tech & Ed equation

My research and scholarship has mostly been in the area of educational technology - i.e. how to improve / facilitate learning through the use of technologies. David Brooks in his latest op-ed (The biggest issue) in the NYTimes flips this around somewhat. Citing...

Fishing for problems: Podcast interview

Fishing for problems: Podcast interview

I was recently interviewed by Matt Schneidman (Curator, Creator, Podcast Host) for his Fishing for Problems podcast. Matt also publishes an  ed-focused newsletter. Our discussion was broadly framed around educational technology and the TPACK framework - but...

Of hernias and hiccups, the evolutionary story

Interesting article in Scientific American about how flaws in our biology reveal our evolutionary history. Steven Gould talked about it in his famous essay on The Panda's Thumb. This is a wonderful argument for Darwinian evolution since it points not to perfection...

9 essential books for grad school (and beyond)

I am am member of the PhD-Design listserv, "a list for discussion of PhD studies and related research in Design." I am not very active on the list but have found it an invaluable resource that helps me think. The dialogue is often of pretty high quality and I have...

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #14, February 2013

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #14:February 2013 Welcome to the fourteenth edition of the (approximately quarterly) TPACK Newsletter! TPACK work is continuing worldwide, and is appearing in an increasing diversity of publication, conference, and professional development...

TE150 & the hope of audacity

Matt Koehler and I were asked to create an audio introduction to TE150 for the ATT and MSU award ceremony, and website. It is amazing what three people can do in a couple of hours, given a microphone and Audacity (the open source audio editing software). Check it out...

Election 2.0

An op-ed in today's NYTimes by William Poundstone about how the web can be used during an election to prevent election fraud. As the article describes a computer scientist and a mathematician "have proposed an ingenious method that would combine paper ballots and a...

Digital Shadows: AI Scripts a Different Curriculum

Digital Shadows: AI Scripts a Different Curriculum

As we continue to grapple with the hype and transformative potential of generative AI in education, I find myself revisiting a point I've made before: the most significant impacts of this technology may not be within the classroom walls, but in the world that...

MAET Graduate Celebration, Plymouth

Last Friday we celebrated the latest graduates from the MAET off campus program. These were students, who for the most part, have completed the MAET program over three summers in Plymouth, England. We here at MAET headquarters are extremely proud of their...


  1. Ghaima Group


    I am agree with you that repurposing as being key to creativity, particularly for teachers using new technologies. Thanks for sharing such useful information with me.

  2. video production services Los Angeles

    Hey it actually makes sense. Though synonymous to recycling, I think repurposing brings more profound meaning.


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