Posts related to: Travel

TPACKed and ready to go

I am off to the Netherlands, specifically to Twente University to talk and discuss TPACK and other interesting stuff. I have been invited by Dr. Joke Voogt, Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum Design and Educational Innovation from the Faculty of...

Going back home

Amita Chudgar, friend and colleague, just sent me this really nice article in today's NYTimes, titled "India Calling" about the second generation of Indian Americans who are now going back to India. These are kids born and brought up in the US, whose parents had...

Manoranjan ka baap

The Indian Premier League, Twenty20 cricket championship was a great success. I had a chance to watch a few games (including the finals and semi-finals) when I was in india and it was a blast. This posting however is about an extremely creative commercial for the IPL...

The Brahmin connection

A funny (and yet somewhat sad) story ... So I am in Nagpur airport waiting for my flight, which had been delayed, and I struck up a conversation with a young man there, as one is wont to do. We of course started by complaining about the airlines, then moved on to...

New Delhi, update

I have been at Delhi for the most part since coming to India, meeting people, developing project ideas, catching up… The only breaks have been a short trip to Nagpur (to visit my in-laws) and, coming up, another short trip to Bhubaneswar (to visit my parents). In...

Photography update

I have continued adding photographs from the trip to my Flickr Site... I had posted about this earlier but I guess it is time for another reminder. There are now 380 photographs on the "Travels in Asia 2008" Flickr-set (and more coming soon). Go to the...

Meeting Sanjaya Mishra

Yesterday I met with Sanjaya Mishra, a scholar and researcher in the area of distance education. Sanjaya and I first met at the Vidyakash conference a bunch of years ago and we clicked almost immediately. I always enjoy meeting up with him when I am in Delhi, though...

Being a tourist in Taipei

I woke up this morning, feeling maybe for the first time in this entire trip, tired and a little homesick. I ascribe the first to the rather hectic schedule I have had the past 10 days so, continually on the move, presentation after presentation, meeting after...

Goodbye Malaysia, welcome Taiwan

So my stay in Malaysia comes to an end. I haven’t had either had time or internet access to be able to update the blog the last few days. So briefly here goes… The day after the presentation (the 13th) I had a meeting with Professors Ramayah, Rozinah, and Bala at USM...

Kuala Lumpur & Penang

I love Malaysia. I love its greenery, its up and down hilly landscape, the colors and designs of the houses, and yes the food. Malaysians are food crazy. There are food stalls everywhere and the range and variety of food available is just amazing. My first night here...

Arriving in Malaysia

I am currently in Kuala Lumpur, arrived here last night, after spending a night at Delhi. I stayed with my old high-school buddy (Hartosh) and his wife, Paminder. We spent a nice evening chatting and catching up – since a lot had happened since we had last met, not...