TPACKed and ready to go

by | Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am off to the Netherlands, specifically to Twente University to talk and discuss TPACK and other interesting stuff.

I have been invited by Dr. Joke Voogt, Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum Design and Educational Innovation from the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Twente.

I will be participating in a symposium for master’s students with the goal of giving them a broad overview of the possible areas of research in Educational Technology and following that with more focused discussions on particular research interests. I will be part of an international panel of academics, including Dr. Tom Reeves, Dr. Martin Valcke (pedagogies for flexible learning) & Dr. Jacquey Barber (curriculum, teacher and school development).

This should be fun and I hope to update my blog reasonably regularly while I am traveling.

Topics related to this post: Conference | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Travel

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