Meeting Sanjaya Mishra

by | Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yesterday I met with Sanjaya Mishra, a scholar and researcher in the area of distance education. Sanjaya and I first met at the Vidyakash conference a bunch of years ago and we clicked almost immediately. I always enjoy meeting up with him when I am in Delhi, though it has been a couple of years since we last talked face to face.

We hung out at a coffee shop, shared a plate of Momo’s, and chatted and caught up. Sanjay is a very active and energetic fellow, currently Reader in Distance Education at the Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education (STRIDE) at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). He is editor of the Asian Journal of Distance Education and has edited/published multiple books in the area of ICT and distance education. As you can imagine, there was a lot for us to talk about and discuss.

He has a pretty extensive online presence and you can find out more about him by going to his home page, or his personal blog or by going to his blog podcast.

Topics related to this post: Housekeeping | India | Personal | Technology | Travel

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