National Sun Yat Sen University & Taipei

by | Friday, May 16, 2008

National Sun Yat Sen Unversity has one of the most gorgeous campuses you can imagine. Nestled between hills, with wonderful views of the ocean, with little twisty roads that connect departments and buildings, just beautiful. My hotel room had a magnificient view of the ocean.

The presentation at the National Sun-Yat Sen University went very well. It was clear that Hseuh-Hua and I had moved beyond the mere mechanics of presentation and translation and there was a rhythm to our give and take, a comfort with its possibilities. Hseuh-Hua did a wonderful job, animated and passionate in her translation. I think this helped a lot of the students there in getting a better understanding what I was talking about. I could see this in the very thoughtful and probing questions that were asked to me at the end.

I am back in Taipei now, with Hsueh-Hua, Han-Chin and their son Matthew. I will be here for a day doing more touristy things. Dinner was at a dimsum restaurant with faculty members from local universities. The conversation was excellent, the food even more so. I have, I must say, become somewhat adept at chopsticks, and my openness to trying everything placed in front of me continues to be a great success.

Topics related to this post: Fun | Personal | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Travel

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