Appreciating Joel Colbert at AACTE

by | Sunday, February 08, 2009

I just spent a couple of days in Chicago at the Annual meeting of the American Association for the Colleges of Teacher Education.

On Friday evening was meeting of the Innovation and Technology Committee the highlight of which was a gift of appreciation that we gave Joel Colbert for his service to the Committee. It was under his stewardship (over five years) that this committee achieved a great deal: the handbook, two major forums at AACTE conferences, and other highly visible and high-impact work.

Here is Joel with the “gift”

Since you can’t see the details of what was on it, here is a jpg of what was etched on the glass:

The I&T committee, from left to right:
Denise Schmidt, Colleen Kennedy, Alyssa Mangino, Punya Mishra, Joel Colbert, Carine Feyten, Pam Redmond

More photos can be found on my flickr site here.

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