Going back home

by | Sunday, November 23, 2008

Amita Chudgar, friend and colleague, just sent me this really nice article in today’s NYTimes, titled “India Calling” about the second generation of Indian Americans who are now going back to India. These are kids born and brought up in the US, whose parents had migrated from India 30 or 40 years ago. As you can imagine this raises interesting conundrums, particularly for the parents (something I had noted, peripherally here). Among other things this article speaks of “brain circulation”, as opposed to brain drain, and how this is creating a new breed of people. As the article says,

If there is a creative class, in Richard Florida’s phrase, there is also emerging what might be called a fusion class: people positioned to mediate among the multiple societies that claim them.

Topics related to this post: India | Personal | Travel

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