We are hiring… join our team

by | Thursday, June 21, 2018

Over the past year the Office of Scholarship and Innovation (OofSI) at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers CollegeASU has been engaged in supporting faculty research; creating digital solutions for learning; bringing collaborative design-based problem-solving to educational systems. You can find out more about all of these things by going to the OofSI (pronounced just as it is written) website. All this is part of a broader vision to reimagine what a college of education can and should be. (You can read more about Dean Basile’s vision herehere and here). Of course none of this would happen without the right group of individuals – the OofSI team.

We are now looking to expand our team in two critical areas: one around technology and learning and the other around supporting innovative teaching in higher education.  

The IgnitEd Lab Coordinator will be a creative educator who is passionate about emerging technologies and their role in education. The IgnitED Labs are open, hands-on, learner-centered creative spaces where users can explore and play with new and emerging technologies. More details here.

The Instructional Innovator will support faculty and instructors at the Teachers College in the design of innovative and creative learning experiences for students. More details here.

What is NOT in the job description is how critically important this work is. Both these roles provide opportunities to influence and transform teaching and learning in one of the best colleges of teacher education in the country. How cool is that!

We are looking for highly engaged, creative, energetic, passionate individuals who can jump in to build and grow these opportunities. A passion for learning and play, a service orientated mindset, a willingness to take risks, a sense of comfort with ambiguity and an openness to collaboration and learning are key. A sense of humor is always a plus.

If you fit this profile or know someone who does, or just want to learn more, drop me a line at punya.mishra@asu.edu.

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