Presentation at University of Zurich

by | Thursday, November 04, 2021

I was invited by my friend Dominik Petko, Professor of Teaching and Educational Technology at the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Zurich to make a presentation to their faculty and staff. The video of my presentation (Contextualizing TPACK within the design of systems and culture) was recently released. The abstract of my talk and the video can be found below.

Contextualizing TPACK within the design of systems and culture

Abstract: The COVID19 pandemic brought home the importance of technology in teaching and learning. That said, it is not clear that most educators truly took advantage of the possibilities of technology to transform their practice. Despite extensive work around the TPACK framework, which describes the types of knowledge teachers need to design effective uses of technology, however, it has not necessarily led to significant change in how technology is used in the classroom. In this presentation I argue that TPACK does not exist in a vacuum but rather technology integration works within broader systems and cultures of practice which often define or constrain the kinds of moves teachers can make in pedagogical space. As systems and cultures mutate and as new technological artifacts exhibit potential for educational application,teachers must adjust their knowledge, practice and skills accordingly. In this presentation, I will introduce my work on the five spaces for design framework as a conceptual tool that provides us with a way to shift perspective and reframe problems and solutions in technology integration. These issues become even more salient in the current context of emerging from the pandemic, providing both opportunities and challenges.

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