We have been talking about misconceptions in my summer MAET classes and one of my students sent me this hilarious link. There is really nothing much to say… just see it for yourself.
Another video that I saw for the first time today was Father Guido Sarducci teaches what an average college graduate knows after five years from graduation in five minutes.
Two videos, one on misconceptions and the other on retention! Perfect indictment of our educational system! Funny but also sad.
This post was like sweet & sour pork at a Chinese restaurant.
I wanted to cry and laugh at pretty much the same time. I find that when this happens, we have some pretty memorable stuff left in a single pile. (1st one was SO painful. wow.)
Interesting how you can juxtapose two videos like this to push such a provocative message forward…….
Rainbows in my backyard was brought to my attention this past school year. One of my students told me about it and was vehement that I show it because it related to light (which we were studying). Needless to say my students got a big laugh about it…I of course asked what was actually going on and the students were able to reply with correct answers (whew!).
I have done this before with my biology students when discussing matter cycling (cell respiration and photosynthesis). I use a very popular Harvard video which asks graduates how a seed became a log (where did all that mass come from?).I stop it after each clip and my students are all aghast at the graduates answers. My favorite quote
Interviewer: “what would you say if I told you the mass came from carbon dioxide?”
Student response: I would think that is strange since carbon is not a major part of what I remember of biochemistry.
It is sad to make fun of these people- but its such a great learning tool. Kids love laughing at others misconceptions. I also believe that it clears up some understanding for other students in the classroom.
For the record their are 4 primary elements involved in all life CHON…with C being the prinicple player in carbohydrates, fats and proteins (I should not leave out that we are all C based life forms).