Explore, Create, Share… the videos

by | Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Note: This post was updated on March 21, 2024 since some of videos were not showing up for some reason.

Over the past few months I have been working with my kids on creating short thematic videos. The themes we chose were the three words, Explore, Create & Share. Though the videos for Explore and Create got made rather quickly, the video for Share appeared to stump us.

Much to my relief, after weeks of discussion and thinking, we finally have a video for the word share. I am including all three videos here, in sequence, so that you can see just how these three videos work together. All three videos have original music composed by my cousin, Sonny Mishra.

Note (added March 2024): The words Explore | Create | Share became the “motto” of the MAET program at Michigan State University, a program and Leigh Wolf and I directed for many years!


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