Questioning Assumptions: Podcast episode

by | Thursday, November 30, 2023

I was recently invited as a guest on the Better Learning Podcast. I had a great conversation with the host, Kevin Stoller (and boy does he have a voice designed for audio!). Turns out that we both went to Miami University, though our paths didn’t overlap or intersect.

Kevin Stoller, is CEO of Kay-Twelve and author of Creating Better Learning Environments and the goal of his podcast is to find “ways we can improve education for our kids. It’s about breaking down the silos of education, learning from others, and actively driving change!” Words that resonated with me.

We had this conversation a few weeks ago, and I, quite honestly, had forgotten most of the specifics of what we had talked about, so driving into to work this morning, I give it a quick listen (at 1.2x speed). And boy, did we cover a lot in a ~30 min conversation: from school design to creativity, from questioning assumptions to the Next Education Workforce; from generative AI to Die Hard (the movie); and so much more. It was a fun and substantive conversation which you can listen to below or on your favorite podcasting app. Enjoy,

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