Maggie Niess has a new piece titled Knowledge Needed for Teaching With Technologies – Call it TPACK published in the spring 08 issue of AMTE Connections.
For those of you who don’t know, AMTE stands for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and you can find out more about them by going to
You can download the PDF of the entire issue of Connections here. [Maggie’s article is on page 9.] Here’s a key paragraph from the article.
In 2006, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) confirmed this idea, recognizing the importance of TPCK in the preparation of mathematics teachers, indicating that, “Mathematics teacher preparation programs must ensure that all mathematics teachers and teacher candidates have opportunities to acquire the knowledge and experiences needed to incorporate technology in the context of teaching and learning mathematics” (AMTE, Technology Position Statement).
The word continues to spread!