Literacy as a Technology: A Conversation with Kyle Jensen about AI, Writing & More

by | Friday, September 08, 2023

Welcome back to our column series, exploring the nexus of technology, creativity, and education. We’ve spoken with experts like Chris Dede from Harvard and Ethan Mollick from Wharton, focusing on how AI is reshaping creativity and education.

We’re in a pivotal era of educational technology. AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing AI, and DALL-E are revolutionizing learning, but also raising concerns about data privacy and academic integrity. Our series aims to foster dialogue among stakeholders—students, parents, educators, and policymakers—to ensure these tools truly benefit learners.

Today, we feature Dr. Kyle Jensen, a colleague at ASU and Director of ASU Writing Programs. Dr. Jensen uniquely blends academic research with practical innovation. Our wide-ranging conversation covered a wide swath of ideas such as the relationship between writing instruction and emerging technologies, the role of AI in education, and more.

Complete citation and link below

Woo, L., Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P. (2023). Literacy as a technology: A conversation with Kyle Jensen about AI, writing and more. TechTrends.

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1 Comment

  1. kah

    really great article. i love kah jensen


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