Episteme6 @ Mumbai: 2 presentations

by | Thursday, January 28, 2016

This past December I was at the epiSTEME 6 conference in Mumbai. It was jointly  organized by the Homi Bhaba Center for Science Education, TIFR and the Interdisciplinary Program in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay. I presented two papers there, oneabout the work being done by the Deep-Play group in the area of aesthetics and learning in the STEM disciplines and the other on the work we are doing with MSUrbanSTEM in Chicago.

The slides and papers from the proceedings for both these talks can be found below…

Mishra, P., Keenan, S. F., Mehta, R., & Henriksen, D. (2015, December). I Care About the Beauty in Science: Aesthetics in Scientific Practice and Pedagogy. In S. Chandrasekharan, S. Murthy, G. Banerjee, A. Murlidhar (Eds.). Emerging Computational Media and Science Education. Proceedings of the Episteme 6 Conference. Mumbai, India. Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, TIFR.


Mishra, P., Wolf, L.G., Gunnings-Moton, S., Seals, C., Berzina-Pitcher, I., & Mehta, R. (December 2015). Enhancing Urban Teachers STEM and Leadership Capacities: A preliminary report on a unique private-public-public partnership. In S. Chandrasekharan, S. Murthy, G. Banerjee, A. Murlidhar (Eds.). Emerging Computational Media and Science Education. Proceedings of the Episteme 6 Conference. Mumbai, India. Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, TIFR.

* The design at the top of this post is a rotationally-symmetric ambigram for the conference Episteme6. I had gone to the first Episteme conference in Goa many years ago and had made and ambigram for that as well (actually as well as for Episteme 2, though I never ended up going for that one). Here are those original designs, just for the record.


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  1. Aesthetics & STEM education: Introducing a new framework – Punya Mishra's Web - […] exploring this issue for a while (for instance we have written on the aesthetics of coding; its role in…

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