Repurposing a stick. What fun!

by | Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Teaching with technology, for me, is all about repurposing technology. Such repurposing requires creative play. Our presentation at SITE 2010 was around some creative micro- and macro-design tasks that can help foster such creative repurposing. I just came across this 1964 Jonathan Winters / Jack Paar video that makes the same point but in a far more interesting manner. Enjoy.


As he said, “Here’s a stick…” he said, “Make me believe in something.”

[h/t Teachpaperless

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  1. Punya Mishra


  1. It’s the pedagogy, teacher. « Why isn’t the future what it used to be? - [...] much as what you (the teacher and/or students) do with the tool. Along these lines, the concept of repurposing…

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