Posts related to: TPACK

TPCK book signing

One of the important events at the New Orleans AACTE meeting was the release of the TPCK Handbook for Educators and the book signing. This was the first time I had ever participated in a book signing and it was great fun. Here are some photographs from the event......

Introducing Matt ‘n Punya

Joel Colbert is coordinating the AACTE special forum on TPCK and will be introducing all the speakers and leading the discussion after the presentations. He asked each of the speakers to send him a short introductory blurb that he could use to introduce us. This is...

New Orleans, here we come…

Matt and I will be at New Orleans next week for the AACTE Annual Conference. The last time I went to New Orleans must have been in 2000 or 2001... so I am looking forward to going there. There are three specific things we will be involved with. Meeting of the AACTE's...

TPCK book covers

I finally received a copy of the Handbook of TPCK for educators (which I had blogged about previously here). It looks great! Matt and I have a key chapter (Introducing TPCK). I hadn't read this in a while, and after I got the book, I skimmed it... and it reads well....

AACTE Major Forum on TPCK

Matt and I will be at New Orleans in a few weeks presenting at a major forum organized as a part of the AACTE conference. The title of the major forum is When Multiple Technologies Take Learning to a higher level: the technological Pedagogical content Knowledge (TPCK)...

Handbook of TPCK

Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators, Edited by The AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology
A Co-Publication of Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group and the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education

Buy it at (Now available!)

This handbook addresses the concept and implementation of technological pedagogical content knowledge — the knowledge and skills that teachers need in order to meaningfully integrate technology into instruction in specific content areas.

Mishra & Koehler, 2006

The Mishra & Koehler (2006) article is the first and somewhat definitive presentation of the TPCK framework. The complete reference and abstract are given below, as is a link to the original article [pdf format]. Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006)....

TPCK, in the news

The TPCK work by Matt Koehler & myself is featured in the Winter 2008 issue of the New Educator, the magazine published by the College of Education at Michigan State University. You can download the full issue here [pdf], or just the article here [pdf]. Glen Bull,...