Matt and I will be at New Orleans in a few weeks presenting at a major forum organized as a part of the AACTE conference. The title of the major forum is When Multiple Technologies Take Learning to a higher level: the technological Pedagogical content Knowledge (TPCK) Framework and Curricular Exemplars. This will also coincide with the release of the TPCK handbook, which should be a lot of fun.
Here’s the formal announcement: Join AACTE for the release of The Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators, the first comprehensive scholarly book exploring this increasingly important concept and one that offers a research-based conceptual framework for teachers to develop the knowledge and skills they need to integrate multiple technologies into teaching and learning . The contributors to this volume maintain that teachers’ TPCK is key to successful curriculum-based technology integration. By shifting technology integration from the current “technocentric” model to the new TPCK model, they assert that technologies increasingly will be seen not as stand-alone additions to teacher education but as vital tools applied specifically and uniquely in each subject matter domain and fully integrated into instructional settings . This forum will present a TPCK theoretical framework, contextual and access issues, and instructional strategies for integrating multiple technologies and related pedagogies to improve student learning . Content-based examples of exemplary TPCK development for educators will be showcased.
Presenters: Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler, Michigan State University; Mario Kelly, Hunter College, City University of New York; Joe Garofalo, University of Virginia; Marcela van Olphen, University of South Florida
Moderator: Joel Colbert, Chapman University
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