China, Australia, Nepal & Australia: A zoom tour

by | Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Over the past couple of months I have been asked to give presentations at a variety of different conferences or organizations spread across the world. They are archived below.

I was invited to give a talk as part of the Dean’s Lecture Series at the School of Education, Drexel University. My talk was titled: Design pencils, universities and everything in between.

Dean’s Lecture Series

Drexel University School of Education

I was invited by the Friday Institute at North Carolina State University to serve on a panel on the topic of Exploring Next-Generation Education: K-12 Trends that Mater for 2021.

The introduction to the session was as follows (and the video is embedded below):

We’ve had an extremely challenging year—a global pandemic, ongoing racial injustice and inequities, and more recently an insurrection on our country’s capitol. Educators navigated their way through these compounded issues. They summoned their creativity and resiliency to support and engage students. With this dramatic backdrop, we move into 2021 with wounds, disappointments and hope for a brighter collective future. The goal of this panel discussion is to surface K-12 trends that matter for humanity. As community members, what do we need to be relentless about? As policy makers, what do we need to let go? As educators, how do we create spaces for transformation that can usher in new ways of thinking about and doing education? Join thought leaders as they analyze, predict and dream of next-generation schools.

The Public Interest Technology University Network is a partnership that fosters collaboration between universities and colleges committed to building the nascent field of public interest technology and growing a new generation of civic-minded technologists. Ariel Anbar and I were invited to be part of a panel on embedding humanistic values in STEM education, specifically focused on our recently concluded STEM-Futures project. You can read my blog post about the project, a description on the MLFTC website or visit the project pages at

Keynote for TheMarker conference (Israel): Education in a pandemic: A crisis (and possibly) an opportunity (blog post)

Teaching with Technology: Is TPACK still relevant? Part of a panel organized by Monash University (Australia) with Judi Harris and Michael Phillips, moderated by Michael Henderson.

Nepal: Creativity, technology & design for learning (in STEM and beyond). Presentation for Kathmandu University, School of Education; (Nepal) November 2020

Presentation at the 18th Shanghai International Curriculum Forum, organized by the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of ECNU. This talk (titled: TPACK and beyond: Designing Technology & Education (From Artifacts to Culture) was viewed by more than 18,000 participants including experts and scholars, principals in charge of education administrative departments across China.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Alien games paper, published

I had posted earlier that a paper on gender and video games had been accepted for publication. Well, it is published now, full reference, abstract and link to PDF given below. Heeter, C., Egidio, R., Mishra, P., Winn, B., & Winn, J. (2008). Alien Games: Do girls...

More sketches

A few weeks ago I had blogged about my experiments with sketching on a Wacom graphics tablet. Here are more sketches I have created in the meanwhile. You can see them here as a webpage or view it as a slide show.

AI is WEIRD: Part II

AI is WEIRD: Part II

Note: The image above is an original design - showing "AI" embedded in the word "WEIRD" Generative AI is weird... as I had written in my previous blog post, identifying some key characteristics I had described in a recent Keynote presentation. In the process of...

Mishra, Nicholson & Wojcikiewicz (2001/2003)

Mishra, P., Nicholson, M., & Wojcikiewicz, S. (2001/2003). Does my wordprocessor have a personality? Topffer’s Law and Educational Technology. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 44 (7), 634-641. Reprinted in B. C. Bruce (Ed.). Literacy in the information...

Psychology & torture: A sad mix

Martin Seligman is one of the most eminent psychologists alive today. As his wikipedia page says, "He is well known for his work on the idea of "learned helplessness", and more recently, for his contributions to leadership in the field of Positive Psychology." He has...

Teachers ARE designers (in many different ways)

Teachers ARE designers (in many different ways)

One of the pleasures of academia is working with awesome graduate students. This paper is an example of such a collaboration. Melissa Warr, for some reason or the other, decided to do a network analysis of some of the top-cited papers related to teaching and design....

Self-similarity in math & ambigrams 3/3

Self-similarity in geometry is the idea of repeating a similar shape (often at a different scale) over and over again. In other words, a self-similar image contains copies of itself at smaller and smaller scales, such as the image below of the word "zoom."...

CEP917 receives AT&T award, update

I had written before, CEP917: Knowledge Media Design, a course taught by Dr. Danah Henriksen and myself, in the Fall semester of 2012, received First Place (in the Blended Course category) in the2013 MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology Awards Competition. The awards...

1 Comment

  1. shayari

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