I had written before, CEP917: Knowledge Media Design, a course taught by Dr. Danah Henriksen and myself, in the Fall semester of 2012, received First Place (in the Blended Course category) in the2013 MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology Awards Competition. The awards ceremony was a couple of days ago, and sadly I had to miss it because I was/am out of the country (busy doing this). 917 was well represented at the awards ceremony by Danah as well as William Cain and John Bell (representing the CEPSE/COE Design Studio). Here, for the record, are a couple of links if you want to find out more about the course and the award:
- The MSU AT&T awards website (and the page devoted to our course)
- My original posting about the award
- Announcement page on the College of Education website
- Link to the video we created (on vimeo)
Incidentally, CEP817/ED870, Proseminar in Educational Technology taught by my friend and colleague, Matthew Koehler also received an honorable mention for a fully online course. More information about that here.