But is it cheating? AI in Education podcast episode

by | Saturday, April 27, 2024

I was recently invited as a guest on the 3Ps in a Pod, a podcast from Arizona Institute for Education and the Economy at Northern Arizona University and the Arizona K12 Center. I joined hosts Dr. Chad Gestson and Dr. LeeAnn Lindsey to discuss a topic that has been on the minds of educators worldwide: Is AI cheating? As I have argued elsewhere, this maybe the wrong question to ask. Rather than fixating on plagiarism, we may be better served to use this opportunity to focus on the true purpose of education and rethink how we evaluate learning. The advent of AI should be a catalyst for us to reimagine assessment methods and foster a deeper understanding of knowledge creation and sharing among students.

We covered a lot of ground in our discussion, highlighting the crucial role of agency and autonomy in the learning process. In a world where information is readily accessible, we must empower students to develop critical thinking skills and a genuine thirst for knowledge. Throughout our engaging discussion, we explored the nuances of this complex issue, recognizing that AI is not inherently good or bad; it a technology that can be leveraged for educational purposes if approached thoughtfully and intentionally.

You can listen to the podcast below or in your favorite podcast app.

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