Tech Trends Covers

Rethinking technology & creativity, now in paper form!

by | Wednesday, September 28, 2016

For the past 4 years, the Deep-Play group has written a series of articles for the journal Tech Trends under the broad rubric of Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century. The first article was published in 2014 and we are still going strong. Over that time we have written 23 articles with 4 more in various stages of preparation. Writing these articles has been a wonderful experience, allowing all of us to play with ideas and, most importantly, to keep writing. There is a lot to be said for the discipline required to meet a deadline every two months.

Tech Trend Article photos

The interesting thing is that in all these years, I have never held any of these 20+ issues of the journal in my hand. Not once. That changed this morning when I got into my office – and there was a packet with the past 4 issues – each with an article in the series. I must say it felt good to hold those volumes and skim through them. So I guess despite my digital dependence, there still is something special in seeing your name in print, or actually touching a “real” journal

For those interested the entire series is here: Rethinking Technology and Creativity

A few randomly selected blog posts…

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JTE Call for Proposals: Gen AI in Teacher Preparation

JTE Call for Proposals: Gen AI in Teacher Preparation

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Mishra & Girod (2006/2007)

Mishra, P., & Girod, M. (2006/2007). Designing learning through learning to design. The High School Journal. 90(1). 44 – 51. Reprinted in K. M. Cauley, & G. Pannozzo, (Eds.), Annual Edition: Educational Psychology 07/08. McGraw-Hill: NY. Abstract: This paper...

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The one rule of teaching

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