TPACK Newsletter, #44 March 2021

by | Thursday, June 09, 2022

This is a delayed (by more than a year) posting of the TPACK newsletter #44 (link to PDF). My apologies, I am not entirely sure how I missed that. As always, Judi Harris and team have done a great job. You can find the previous issues archived here.

This issue includes titles, abstract and links to 172 artices, 25 chapters and 34 dissertations that have not appeared in past issues. This brings the total numbers of publications recorded in the newsletter (over time) to a total of 1418 articles: 318 chapters in books; 28 books; and 438 dissertations.

Note: The banner image above may is part of my ongoing series of tongue-in-cheek TPACK diagram (more here).

Topics related to this post: Learning | News | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK | Worth Reading

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali For an interactive card click here ... . Remember to turn your volume way up, and click anywhere in the sky above the Taj Mahal for some environmentally friendly, fireworks.

Announcing: Short film competition, cool prize for winner!!

Those of you who have been following this blog know, over the past few months I have made a few short videos with my kids. The ones I am most proud of are a set of three made around the words Explore, Create, Share (you can see them all here). There were great fun to...

Andrew Maynard on AI, Responsible Innovation & The Future of Humanity

Andrew Maynard on AI, Responsible Innovation & The Future of Humanity

Welcome once again to our ongoing column series where we delve into the intersection of technology, creativity, and education. Our conversations with authorities such as Chris Dede (Harvard), Ethan Mollick (Wharton), and Kyle Jensen (ASU) have centered around the...

Evaluating creative learning environments: New instrument

Evaluating creative learning environments: New instrument

Note: There is a more recent, May 2023 post (Scaling up the SCALE instrument) that offers an update on other researchers who have utilized the instrument for their own research. Creativity is a key educational goal and essential 21st century skill. That said, much of...

Working with constraints: Creativity through repurposing

Working with constraints: Creativity through repurposing

Teaching is an inherently creative act, requiring educators to navigate constraints and find innovative ways to engage students. In our recently published chapter, Danah Henriksen, Lauren Woo and I explore the notion of "repurposing" as a vital skill for fostering...

2017 Torrance Lecture on Creativity

2017 Torrance Lecture on Creativity

This past April, I delivered the annual E. Paul Torrance Lecture at the University of Georgia. Being invited to give this talk was a huge honor, for two main reasons. First, because of Paul Torrance, the person for whom this lecture is named. Dr. Torrance, known...

21st Century Skills? What do they mean?

A decade into the 21st century, how are we doing with the movement to "position 21st century skills at the center of US K-12 education." The National Journal Online has been conducting an discussion on this topic... some very interesting views represented there, from...

SITE 2010, symposium on TPACK

I just got back from an extended trip to California (San Jose and San Diego). I will be posting a lot more about this trip but for now here are the slides from a symposium on "Strategies for teacher professional development of TPACK" organized by Joke Voogt of Twente...

Chiayi, Chung Cheng & on to Kuosheng

I had been looking forward to the high speed rail journey though I had some concerns about navigating through the train station since most of the signs were in Chinese and Waiway (the graduate student who had come to pick me up from the airport) could not come with me...


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