Announcing: Short film competition, cool prize for winner!!

by | Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Those of you who have been following this blog know, over the past few months I have made a few short videos with my kids. The ones I am most proud of are a set of three made around the words Explore, Create, Share (you can see them all here). There were great fun to make, and have turned out pretty nicely, if I say so myself šŸ™‚

These videos have a few things in common. First, they are short (the longest is a minute long) and involve minimal post production, if any. Second, they always focus on a specific word and attempt to express the meaning of the word through video. Third, each video ends with that word represented in some creative, interesting way.

The other day, while talking with Leigh Wolf, I realized that there was no reason why we could not share the joy of making something like this with others. Why not solicit similar videos from other people? One thought led to another and this competition is the result. The rules of the competition are simple – building on the similarities described above.

  1. Each video MUST have a core theme that can be captured in a word (or two). We recommend choosing evocative words related to learning and technology (like design, innovation, invent and so on).
  2. The video MUST be original i.e. don’t just copy and re-edit someone’s idea, or footage. This is NOT a mashup of existing video.
  3. The video should be short (30 seconds to a minute, no more) with minimal editing or post-production.
  4. Each video should end with the thematic word represented in some fashion (see the original videos Explore, Create, Share to see how this works).
  5. The video MUST use one of the music clips available for download below. These clips were composed specifically for this competition by Sonny Mishra, a freelance musician from Seattle. [Music Clip 1 | Music Clip 2]
  6. Once you have created a video, upload it to the web (say YouTube) and send me the link. Please DO NOT send me actual movie files.

A jury consisting of myself, Leigh Wolf, Soham & Shreya (the two people who helped make the first three) and Sonny (the music composer) will judge these movies and nominate the winner. The winner will receive a copy of Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein’s book Sparks Of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools Of The World’s Most Creative People, autographed by the authors, Robert & Michele Root-Bernstein! How cool is that!!

Do let me know if you have any questions about this competition. Enjoy!


Sparks of Genius

A few randomly selected blog posts…

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A brief history…

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Of play and games

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OofSI: The year that was

OofSI: The year that was

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Designing 917: A conversation

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EduPunk: The logo

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TPACK & Games @ Drexel

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The search for pattern, beauty & intelligent life…

Connecting birds nests to "crop circles under the ocean" leading to some thoughts on perception, beauty and finding intelligent life in the universe (or maybe even on this planet). The other day I found a bird's nest on my front lawn. Most probably it had fallen down...

EPET @ SITE in New Orleans, the video

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  1. Rob Rasner Magic Show

    Only this min learned this site Announcing: Short film competition, cool prize for winner!! | Punya Mishra’s Web by way of Yahoo… a pleasant surprise! Peace ! Rob Rasner Magic Show

  2. Claire Parker

    oh ho, So you did cancel it? Noone won the prize!

  3. Ed Stanley

    Who won……did u decide yet? What was the prize?

    • Punya Mishra

      Didn’t get many submissions – so we just canceled it. Create something and send it to me šŸ™‚

  4. Punya Mishra

    Michael, thanks for pointing out the non-functioning link. This should work now.

    Thanks in anticipation for participating in this… I look forward to seeing your submission. ~ punya

  5. Michael Hughes

    Thinking about entering the contest. Tried to listen to the two clips for soundtracks, but I couldn’t get the second one to play. ??? Thanks for organizing the contest.



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