Jumpstart Repurposing

by | Monday, August 23, 2010

I have often talked of repurposing as being key to creativity, particularly for teachers using new technologies. (See previous postings on this topic here and here, and here and here.) Imagine my surprise when this past Sunday’s comics-page had a comic on this very issue. The strip is called Jump Start below is the specific set of panels on repurposing.

The cartoon is given above.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Introducing India…

I had been invited to the Second Annual Internationalizing Michigan Education Conference: Building Bridges from Michigan to the World to speak about India. The title of my presentation was Learning about India, the world’s largest democracy. I was assisted in this by...

The gullibility of experts

Does it matter whether a brownie is served on a paper plate or on china? Is the Patagonian Toothfish less tasty than the Chilean Bass? In an earlier posting (perception of taste) I had cited research showing that wine with an expensive price tag was judged to be...

Algebra, version 2

I had posted yesterday a new ambigram for the word "algebra." It was a mirror-reflection design i.e. it reads the same when reflected in a mirror. What I liked about the design was the fact that it actually looks like an algebraic equation with a left-hand-side and a...

Psychology & torture: A sad mix

Martin Seligman is one of the most eminent psychologists alive today. As his wikipedia page says, "He is well known for his work on the idea of "learned helplessness", and more recently, for his contributions to leadership in the field of Positive Psychology." He has...

15 years of blogging

15 years of blogging

January 1, 2008. 15 years ago, almost to the day - I posted my first note to this website (screenshot below). My first blog post, dated Jan 1, 2008 I have had a web presence since 1998 - hand coded, HTML pages, traces of which are still available on the Wayback...

Looking for a one good person, i.e. #MAET is hiring

I'm excited to announce that the MAET program is hiring a new team member. The official posting is below (or you can go here). The posting closes on September 30 - email all of the application materials to edutech@msu.edu CNS ED PSYSPC ED - SPECIALIST-OUTRCH Posting...

Thoughtless acts? Technology, creativity & teaching

I have always been interested in the manner in which people use (or re-use) everyday things for purposes they were never intended for. Be it a piece of red tape to mark a glass door so that people don't slam into the glass (as I see at the MSU clinical center every...

Wine + GPT4 + Code Interpreter: WOW!!

Wine + GPT4 + Code Interpreter: WOW!!

OpenAI just released Code Interpreter. It allows you to execute Python code within a live working environment. One of the things that it allows us to do is take data files and conduct data analysis and create graphs and charts. Not knowing what that meant I decided to...

Books on visualization & info-graphics

There was a recent query on the PhD-Design-List regarding sources for designers on how to make good info-graphics and data-visualizations. I am collating the options being put forward by people here, just for the record. Manuel Lima's work  The book: Visual...


  1. Ghaima Group


    I am agree with you that repurposing as being key to creativity, particularly for teachers using new technologies. Thanks for sharing such useful information with me.

  2. video production services Los Angeles

    Hey it actually makes sense. Though synonymous to recycling, I think repurposing brings more profound meaning.


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