ISTE LIVE 24: Denver

by | Saturday, June 29, 2024

Melissa Warr and I were in Denver earlier this week for the ISTE 2024 conference. We were there to receive the Outstanding Research Paper award from the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, for our paper TPACK in an age of ChatGPT and generative AI. Specifically, we were recognized for publishing

…the single article from the prior volume year with the highest possibility to advance the field of teacher education, based on the criteria of potential impact and contribution, innovativeness, and generalizability or usability.

We also had a chance to present our paper to a wider audience. You can read the full paper (and if the entire document is too long – we have 2-page executive summaries in a range of languages as well) and view the slides from our talk below.

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The next day we led a hands-on workshop titled Stranger Skills: Critical Practices for Generative AI in Teaching and Learning.  In this session the participants explored the tensions inherent in incorporating generative AI tools in teaching. Participants engaged with a variety of prompts designed to spark critical discussions around equity, diversity, and difficult conversations in educational settings. They experimented with prompts that touched on culturally responsive teaching, simulating difficult conversations, and addressing scientific misconceptions in. The session emphasized the importance of human-directed AI use, encouraging active engagement, metacognition, and skepticism when interacting with AI tools. You can see our slides, view our handout and some photographs from the event below.

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As a part of our workshop we described what has been called “AI’s hotness problem,” namely the fact that AI generated images are often too perfect. To demonstrate this Melissa took a picture of our audience, uploaded it to ChatGPT and asked it to describe the image. She then fed that description back to ChatGPT as a prompt to create an image. Within minutes we had a clear example of the point we were trying to make. (This is not to say our audience was not prefect but just that they had not stepped out of a stock photos catalog.)

One of the most fun aspects of ISTE was meeting up with many friends and making some new ones. Here are some images from those two days.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

STEM teaching & leadership for urban educators

STEM teaching & leadership for urban educators

The MSUrbanSTEM project was one of the best projects I have ever been part of.  We worked with 124 Chicago Public School STEM educators over three years, in an effort to develop their teaching and leadership in the STEM areas. We have written about this...

Representing tensions through photography

Education is always about leadership and leadership has always been about tensions—navigating through them and seeking to find the right balance between them.  Leaders often feel a tug from individuals with conflicting interests or needs, with ideas that often tug in...

Obama at MSU

Soham and Shreya make it to the Lansing State Journal's website photo gallery... Smita and I pulled the kids out of school today to go see Obama at Michigan State. Leigh Wolf joined us... and frankly it was a long and tiring day: reaching campus at 9:30, standing in...

San Diego Unified School District embraces TPACK

I had written recently about TPACK being the top story on eSchoolNews (see TPACK is top story on eSchoolNews or go directly to the article: TPACK explores effective ed-tech integration). What I didn't realize at that time is that there were actually three stories...

Uncreativity: An interview with Chris Bilton

Uncreativity: An interview with Chris Bilton

"un-creativity" design, invariant under rotation by 180-degrees In this article, in our ongoing series on Rethinking technology & creativity in the 21st century, we interview Dr. Chris Bilton, Reader at the Centre for Policy Studies at University of...

We feel fine about ambient findability (really?)

Most of us live our lives with the assumption of practical obscurity - i.e. the idea that what we do, even in public places, is essentially private. There are just too many people and just too few ways of tracking us individually. So we were for the most part,...

Pragmatic yet hopeful: Talking creativity with Barbara Kerr

Pragmatic yet hopeful: Talking creativity with Barbara Kerr

Dr. Barbara Kerr is Distinguished Professor of Counseling Psychology, and is co-director of the Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Education at the University of Kansas. She utilizes innovative counseling and therapy approaches to better understand the...

EDUsummIT 2017: Summary Report

EDUsummIT 2017: Summary Report

EDUsummIT 2017 is the fifth International Summit on Information Technology (IT) in Education (EDUsummIT 2017) recently held in Borovets, Bulgaria, on September 18-20, 2017. EDUsummIT 2017 was co-hosted by the University of Library Studies & Information...

Quest 2 Learn conference in Bangalore & more

Quest 2 Learn conference in Bangalore & more

I just got back from a lovely few days in Bangalore. I was there to participate in the Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit organized by the Quest Alliance. Convened at the  National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), on the campus of the Indian Institute of...


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