Quest 2 Learn conference in Bangalore & more

by | Monday, July 16, 2018

I just got back from a lovely few days in Bangalore. I was there to participate in the Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit organized by the Quest Alliance. Convened at the  National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), on the campus of the Indian Institute of Science, the two day conference focused on The future of work and learning. 

This was my second time participating in a conference organized by the Quest Alliance. My first time was back in 2008, which was also the first such conference organized by Quest. So it was great to back there again 10 years later. (You can learn more about my previous trip through these posts: 1, 2, and 3).

I addition to my keynote (titled The Future of Learning) I also conducted two workshops. The first, at the conference, was on the TPACK framework and the second was a 2-day affair with the staff of the Quest Alliance. The first day of the workshop focused on designing transformative learning experiences and the second on leadership and systems change.

I also had a chance to meet with some wonderful educators and people during my stay there. I was particularly impressed and inspired by Kiran Sethi founder of Riverside School and Design for Change. Below is a photo montage from my time there as well as as short movie (courtesy of Google Photos). A special thanks to Aakash Sethi, and the rest of the Quest Alliance team for a wonderful four days.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

TPACK at Classroom 2.0

There is an ongoing discussion at Classroom 2.0 on TPACK. You can join the conversation here.

Tweaking the design

Someone once said that all design is redesign - and it has never been truer than trying to design your website. A few weeks ago I found out that my site looked terrible on the iTouch and the iPhone. I made a quick fix (adding a template and plugin) that would allow...

Dabbling to see: A rant

My friend and colleague Leigh Wolf forwarded me this article on Edward Tufte: The Many Faces (And Sculptures) Of Edward Tufte. I have been a fan of information design guru Edward Tufte's work for years (decades?). I love his emphasis on clarity and simplicity in...

Links of interest

During Dr. Jalaluddin's keynote I took some time to search online for some reports, prompted by what he had been saying. (Yes I was listening not just browsing). The first is an European study: ICT in Schools: Trends, Innovations and Issues in 2006-2007. You can...

Designing Theory: New article

Designing Theory: New article

Theory is of incredible importance to scholars and researchers. Theories allow us to understand, explain and predict phenomena in the world. That said it is often difficult to say just where theories come from. The standard model—that data lead to laws, that in turn...

TPACK & 21st Century Learning @ AACTE

I was recently in San Diego for the annual conference of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. I had served as a chair of the Innovation & Technology Committee for a while, and the committee invited me to participate in two different sessions....

Symmetry: new ambigram

I love the idea of self-reference, words or sentences that refer to themselves in some manner or another. For instance consider the sentence, This is a sentence. This is an example of a relatively benign self-referential sentence. Other examples may not be less...

New ambigrams for a new blog!

What do you think this is? Take a guess...Well, it is the top half of a lake-reflection ambigram. What this means is that if you reflect what you see along a horizontal line at the bottom of the image, the picture you will then get will spell a word. Can you figure...



  1. Futures of learning: An interview – Punya Mishra's Web - […] had posted earlier about my visit to Bangalore back in summer to participate in the Quest 2 Learn Annual […]

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