Cybersecurity & the Future of Education

by | Friday, July 01, 2022

I was recently interviewed by David W. Schropfer for his DIY Cyber Guy podcast. David is an expert on cybersecurity and, and that is the focus of his podcast. I am clearly not an cybersecurity expert, so I was somewhat surprised at being invited to his show. What David explained to me was that he was interested in better understanding the educational space, and now that, post pandemic, we are all online, and its cybersecurity implications.

Our discussion, though, framed around cybersecurity in the educational context, ended up covering quite a bit of ground. We touched on makes education as a business particularly susceptible to cyberattacks; the strengths and perils of using big data; the role of technology in the future of education and lot more.

If all that sounds interesting, listen to Episode #53: Cybersecurity and the Future of Education. (You can listen to the podcast on his website or anywhere you get your podcasts). I had great fun speaking with him and I hope you enjoy listening to the episode as well.

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