Tipping point for online learning: The interview

by | Thursday, February 18, 2021

I had written a blog post towards the beginning of the pandemic (Tipping point for online learning, OR the postman always rings twice). In this piece, I built on something Neil Postman had written back in 1998 to try and better understand the current context. (Incidentally, this blog post ended up becoming an article in the journal ECNU Review of Education).

I was contacted by the team at Faculi.net about this article and the interview they conducted is now available online. You can listen to the entire interview by clicking on the link below.


A few randomly selected blog posts…

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Let children play: From evolutionary psychology to creativity

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Designing for anticipation, Teaching for anticipation

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Cheating in a test, why that’s the way to go

I just read this wonderful essay by UCLA professor Peter Nonacs titled: Why I Let My Students Cheat On Their Game Theory Exam. In this essay he describes an experiment he recently conducted in his game theory class. This is what he told his students a week before the...

Inspiring creativity, when more is more…

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Coding + Aesthetics: New Journal Article

Coding + Aesthetics: New Journal Article

Does beauty have a role to play in learning to code? Can code aspire to beauty and elegance? In this article, we argue that it does and it should. Read on... Good, J., Keenan, S. & Mishra, P. (2016). Education:=Coding+Aesthetics; Aesthetic Understanding,...

EDUsummIT 2017: Summary Report

EDUsummIT 2017: Summary Report

EDUsummIT 2017 is the fifth International Summit on Information Technology (IT) in Education (EDUsummIT 2017) recently held in Borovets, Bulgaria, on September 18-20, 2017. EDUsummIT 2017 was co-hosted by the University of Library Studies & Information...

1 Comment

  1. Rum Tan

    Good post sir.


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