TPACK Newsletter #41, May 2019

by | Monday, May 27, 2019

Here is the latest pdf version of the TPACK Newsletter (#41, May 2019), as curated and shared by Judi Harris and her team. (Previous issues are archived here.)

This issue includes 59 articles, 4 book chapters, and 20 dissertations that have not appeared in past issues bringing the grand total of TPACK related publications that have appeared in the newsletter to 1704 (which breaks up as follows: 1054 articles; 286 chapters; 28 books; and 336 dissertations).

Note: Over the past few issues I have tried creating tongue-in-cheek TPACK venn diagrams. This one is for Judi Harris, without whose tenacity and hard-work this newsletter would neither have seen the light of day nor would it be going so strong so many years later. The entire ed-tech community owes her a huge debt of gratitude.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Media, Cognition & Society through History:  A Mapping

Media, Cognition & Society through History: A Mapping

If oral cultures prioritize memory and print cultures emphasize systematic organization, what types of knowledge will AI systems foster? Marie Heath and I wrote this line in a chapter that is currently in press. But the idea underlying this quote has been with me for...

Plagiarism update, VI

I guess this is the final update on the David Jiles, Ph.D. plagiarism saga. Those of you who came in late can get the complete picture by starting from David Jiles, Ph.D., Creativity Expert, Plagiarist! The sequence continued as follows: Emailing a plagiarist |...

You have a life?

Story in the NYTimes (forwarded to me by Leigh) titled: Professor as an open book, about how "professors of all ranks and disciplines are revealing such information on public, national platforms: blogs, Web pages, social networking sites, even campus television." Of...

AERA 2013 – San Francisco, Photos

AERA 2013 - San Francisco, a set on Flickr.Photographs from the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2013 at San Francisco. It was great meeting up with friends and colleagues, present two talks and take in some of the sights. Enjoy.

AACTE Webinar series coming up!

I chair the committee on Innovation & Technology of the American Association for Innovation & Technology (AACTE). The committee has been working hard with people over at AACTE (Rachel Popham deserves a big shout out) in organizing a webinar series coming up November...

Multi-national TPACK tour

I leave tomorrow (actually today, given that it is past midnight as I write this) on a multi-national TPACK tour. I touch 4 countries in around 2 weeks!! I am taking a non-stop flight from Newark NJ to New Delhi, for the first time ever. It is a 15 hour flight and I...

Happy Diwali

Diwali is one of the most important of Indian/Hindu festivals. The best part of Diwali (at least for the children) are the fireworks. Click here to enjoy a pollution-free Diwali Card. Enjoy (and don't forget to click on the night sky!)

Us in Flux: A conversation with Sarah Pinsker

Us in Flux: A conversation with Sarah Pinsker

The Center for Science and the Imagination at ASU has a new series called Us in Flux. Every two weeks they publish a (super-short) short story that explores "themes of community, collaboration, and collective imagination in response to transformative events." They...

TPACK Newsletter #21: September 2014

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #21 (September, 2014) Welcome to the twenty-first edition of the (approximately bimonthly) TPACK Newsletter! TPACK work is continuing worldwide. This document contains recent updates to that work that we hope will be interesting and useful to...


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