Plagiarism update, VI

by | Thursday, October 09, 2008

I guess this is the final update on the David Jiles, Ph.D. plagiarism saga. Those of you who came in late can get the complete picture by starting from David Jiles, Ph.D., Creativity Expert, Plagiarist!

The sequence continued as follows: Emailing a plagiarist | Plagiarism, note to Root-Bernstein’s and Creativity Portal | David Jiles plagiarism issue, update | Plagiarism, update II | Update III | Update IV | Update V

This has been an interesting experience – both in terms of tracking these issues down and seeing people’s responses to my blogging about it. Some quick updates:

First, almost all of David Jiles Ph.D.’s writings (at least those I had found on the web) have been pulled off. Some people did it just on reading my postings, while others did it after getting the Root-Bernstein’s book and checking for themselves. Those who did the latter were blown away by the extent of the plagiarism. I am not kidding when I say that this is the most blatant plagiarism I have ever (and I mean, ever) come across.

Second, most websites chose to merely delete the offending passages (as I said, usually taking me at my word, which is kind of funny given that that is how they had gotten fooled in the first place, taking someone who sent them a note at his word!). The only exception is the Young Bright Minds & Inventors Academy, who have been skeptical of my statements, and only upon realizing that what I had written was just the tip of the iceberg, did they take action. They did that in a transparent manner, posting a note on their front page (here).

Third, the book authored by David Jiles, Ph.D., on Lulu Press has been pulled off. It appears that Lulu press is refusing to reveal the contact information (apart from the gmail address which was publicly available) of Dr. Jiles. However, this is not something I have pursued, I just got this information second hand.

Fourth, I now have with me copies of lots more articles that Dr. Jiles was trying to get published. This adds to all the other articles I had downloaded on to my computer.

Finally, I have some possible background information about Dr. Jiles, that I am not revealing at this time. Anyway my interest was never in tracking him down. My goal was to have these pieces removed from public view, and due credit be given to the real authors, and I think in that I have been successful. As to whether Dr. Jiles should be charged legally I leave to others, the authors, the website owners who were directly harmed by his cheating behavior.

All in all this has been an interesting experience – and one that I have learned quite a bit from. I really wish I didn’t have to do it – but once the scope of the copying became clear there was no way one could let it go.

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Crime | Personal | Plagiarism

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  1. Ted Dunn

    Dr Mishra and others have sent me copies of David Jiles articles and it would appear that at least the one I have read consists of mostly, if not only, the words of the Root-Bernsteins and there are no citations to the original work.

    I have requested more information from David Jiles who tells me that he can clear up all of this and will send me documentation as prrof. As soon as I see that I will post my observations here.

  2. Punya Mishra

    I have not received a note from David Jiles, Ph.D. I would have posted it right away if I had. Please ask him to send it to me again.

    In all the texts of David Jiles, Ph.D. that I have, and I have pages and pages and pages, at no time are the Root-Bernsteins’ cited or mentioned. That is a fact.

    I would recommend contacting the editor of “Young Bright Minds & Inventors Academy” who has checked the texts with the original Root-Bernstein Book. She has also emailed Dr. Jiles repeatedly and has NOT heard back from him – at least the last I had heard. That may have changed in the meanwhile. I will check with her and post it here.

    I request Dr. Jiles to email me his response again and I will post it here right away.

  3. Ted Dunn

    I know David Jiles and have always held him in high esteem. Imagine then my horror at these revelation.

    It is important to me to get at the truth of this issue.

    David Giles has told me that in his book the paragraphs you quote are clearly referenced as work of Root-Bernstein.

    I have not seen his book. Has anyone seen it and is it the case that he has referenced the quotations?

    It seems to me that since he either has or has not referenced the material, determining the accuracy of your report is simple.

    I imagine that Lulu Press has a disk of the original manuscript and could supply that information.

    Further, David Jiles informed me that he replied to your email a few weeks ago and yet you have not posted that response which he says clears the issue.

    I would appreciate very much your posting of his response.



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