21st century learning, TPACK and other fun stuff

by | Monday, September 29, 2014


I have been invited to participate in the 2014 Educational Technology Summit: Empowering Educators to Enhance Student Learning in the Digital Era. This conference is being organized by Common Sense MediaAnnenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, & the LEAD Commission. I am serving on a panel on preparing new teachers, moderated by Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post. Other members on the panel are Daniel Soodjinda, Ed.D., from the California State University Stanislaus, and Deborah Stipek, dean, Stanford Graduate School of Education. It is going to be a packed and exciting day (see the schedule for yourself and if you are so inclined, you can actually watch the proceedings streamed live).


On this page I just wanted to list some resources that I think will come up during our discussion (that’s me being proactive, you see). 


21st Century Learning

  • In 2013 we published a review and synthesis of 15 21st Century Learning frameworks. The paper can be found here, a diagram that represents our findings can be found here.
  • The recurring cycle of hype and despair around ed tech in a blog post.

What is TPACK? And how can I learn more about it?

TPACK (or Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) is a framework for teacher knowledge introduced by Mishra & Koehler in 2006. It has been widely cited (over 2400 citations in Google Scholar) and has been described as being “the most significant advancement in the area of technology integration in the past 25 years.” There are lots of resources to learn about TPACK. Here are some:

Developing TPACK? What are the ways? 


What are you working on now?

Glad you asked. My current research and scholarly focus is on approaches to enhancing creativity in teaching and learning and the role that technology can play in that process. Lots of fascinating work currently underway – and quite a bit published as well. This page has a good snapshot of what is currently underway with links to articles related to rethinking technology, creativity and learning in the 21st century.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

AMA with Digital Promise: An AI-opening Discussion

AMA with Digital Promise: An AI-opening Discussion

I recently had the pleasure of participating in Digital Promise's inaugural AI Education Exchange "Ask Me Anything" series, hosted by Kelly McNeil. This was my first LinkedIn AMA and was great fun, in large part due to the team that helped set it up and the broader...

Educational Technology @ MSU

The Educational Psychology and Educational Technology program at the College of Education at Michigan State University offers a variety of programs in educational technology. The College of Education is one of highest ranked colleges of education in the country (see...

Neuroscience, downtime and creativity: New article

Neuroscience, downtime and creativity: New article

In this article, in our ongoing series on Rethinking technology & creativity in the 21st century, we interview Dr. Jung. Dr. Jung is a neuro-psychologist, brain imaging researcher, and a clinical professor of neurosurgery at the University of New...

River run photos

Here are some photographs from the Capital City River Run half-marathon I completed this past Sunday (as reported here: Hurting but Happy). Here's one More here, here, here, here, here & here. Apologies for the copyright marks.

How not to conduct research

Note: This post has been edited somewhat to (a) clearly hide the url, which I had not done a good job of before; and (b) to add a few suggestions in the last paragraph for some strategies to make it easier for the participants to take part in the study.  (September...

Update V

Here is an email from Rita Selle-Grider, of Young Bright Minds & Inventors Academy. I have spoken about her response (which I admired, contrasting it with some of the other responses I have been getting). I include the complete email below (with her permission). What...

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #18, December 2013

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #18: December 2013 Welcome to the eighteenth edition of the (approximately bimonthly) TPACK Newsletter! TPACK work is continuing worldwide. This document contains recent updates to that work that we hope will be interesting and useful to you,...

Article in WEF Global Information Technology Report

Everybody has heard of the  World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. As Wikipedia says, "The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals, and journalists to discuss the most...

Perspectives on Global Learning: SLL at the GLOW Conference:

Perspectives on Global Learning: SLL at the GLOW Conference:

I joined my Silver Lining for Learning (SLL) co-hosts - Chris Dede, Curt Bonk, and Lydia Cao (with Yong Zhao unable to attend due to travel) - to deliver a keynote at the Global Learning for an Open World Conference. SLL has been a labor of love over the past five...


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