International Coffee Day (new ambigram)

by | Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Yesterday was International Coffee Day. In celebration (one day late but hey… ) here is a new ambigram for coffee. Enjoy.





Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | Creativity | Fun | Representation | Worth Reading

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NEW BOOK! Creativity, Technology & Education

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Designing STEAM

Designing STEAM

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Is your head in the McClouds!

Scott McCloud is a pioneer in his field - the field of comics. (I had previously posted about him here). I just discovered (via Presentation Zen & Matt Koehler) a TED talk he had given back in 2005. It is a wonderful introduction to McCloud the man and his ideas....

1 Comment

  1. Jimena Sanhueza

    I’m so happy, you are going to in Chile next week.


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