Happy New Year

by | Saturday, December 25, 2010

For the past couple of years now, our family has been creating new year’s greetings using stop-motion video. This year was no exception. Here it is (on Vimeo)


A very wonderful holidays and a very happy new year to all of you,
from Shreya, Soham, Smita & Punya

You can see other videos made by us… just follow the links below:

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Film | Fun | News | Representation | Video | Worth Reading

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  1. The Riddle Guy

    Cool video Punya, I need to learn how to do that!

  2. Subhash


  3. Ryan

    Great post, that is fantastic. I love doing stuff like this with my family. It creates a great bond. In fact, for Christmas we learned how to draw portraits for our family Christmas card.

  4. waterproof mp3

    Nice video. I initially though that you were going to set up a domino chain reaction. By the way, was the “Happy 2011” on the table a real shadow effect?

    • Punya Mishra

      Thanks for kind words. And yes, it absolutely was! It was exactly the shadow you would find when the entire setup was lit from the back!

  5. Punya Mishra

    Thanks April, always nice to hear from you. ~ punya

  6. April Niemela

    what a gentle reminder to share ourselves with others, to utilize even the tiniest gift we have, to see with new eyes! thank you for sharing 😉

  7. Argawa Manushabom

    Very cool…very cool. Happy New Year, mate!

  8. NatashaW

    Amazing idea, made my New Year Happy! Most creative

  9. Steve

    Loved it, Punya & co.!

    In fact, I’m going to steal … ummm, adapt … the idea for one of my classes next year.

    Happy New Year to you all.


  10. Alicia T.

    Amazing work Mishra family! I was truly surprised by the outcome! Art (and creativity) outwits me at times in compelling ways! Happy New Year!!!

  11. Qaiser Malik

    You are simply outstanding and I feel so great to have worked under your dynamic and innovative guidance.
    Wish you a very happy new year and hope to remain in touch.

  12. Ara


    Great creativity using shadows.

    Even silence can be a powerful language if used appropriately. Even shadows can throw light if used creatively.

    Wish you the same


  13. goodparent101

    Artistic and Awesome! Family activities help create a strong family life. Keep it up!



  1. The gift that keeps on giving, or Why I love the web | Punya Mishra's Web - [...] there are the videos I make with my kids. For instance see the new year’s card we made [...]

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