The recently concluded NECC conference had quite a bit of TPACK related presentations. Sadly neither Matt nor I could make it to NECC… maybe next year!
One I discovered just today (h/t @mhines on twitter) was one titled School 2.0 & Understanding by Design.
Clicking on the link will take you to an archived webinar organized by ISTE, ASCD, SRI International, Central Susquehanna Intermediate District with funding support from US Department of Education. It is worth a listen if not for anything else but for a somewhat neat way of tying together TPACK with the Understanding by Design framework. This is something we have been doing for a while, though haven’t explicitly written about – so it was cool to see this convergence of ideas.
I also liked a slide they had titled Technology Integration 2.o! It does have a certain ring to it, doesn’t it? Maybe that is what we will start calling TPACK!
Judi Harris told me about two other sessions:
Making the Ideal Real: Reciprocal Mentoring and Technology in Preservice by Foulger & Gerard
Developing TPACK: Teachers’ Technology Integration Knowledge in Action by Harris & Hofer. Slides posted here.
You can actually see the video here:
A lot of the slides in that talk look very similar to some slides I’ve seen before!